Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update on Atlanta Gas Shortage

Just a quick update on where things stand on the Atlanta gas shortage. Basically, it's gotten worse. Radio stations are now reporting "where to find gas at this moment" along with the regular traffic report. It's quicker to name the few gas stations in town with gas than to give the traffic report.

After taking the girls to the doctor and to school today, I needed to get gas. I found a gas station with gas. I got in line with the 50 other cars waiting and started playing with my new iPhone (which rocks!). Employees were doing their best to direct traffic but it didn't stop a few dummies from rolling in on two wheels and stealing a spot at the pump. When that happened, horns would honk furiously, the employees would yell at them, but they'd ignore everything and get their gas anyway. I'm not sure I'd brave that in Georgia. In this state you don't need a permit to carry a gun in your car. I'm afraid it's just a matter of time before one is used over this gas situation.

A mere 45 minutes later, I still wasn't even into the gas station lot when an employee walked to the street and started taking down the gas prices on the sign. Out of gas! Ugh. I drove off towards home looking for another gas station with gas. No luck.

Now I'm going to have to see if 1) the truck has enough gas and 2) I can get both the girls' car seats in there. Otherwise I'll need to take off two hours of work this afternoon before I got pick up the girls from daycare to go fill up the van.

Apparently a lot of the problem stems from the fact that in Atlanta we have special gas because we are big time polluters and we have a special forumula to help keep down pollution. The governor has asked for a temporary reprival from the EPA to allow us to use standard gas to try to get the supply back into town. Yesterday afternoon that request was granted. We'll see how long it takes before we see that impact us at the pumps. I'm guessing it won't be at least until the weekend.

And what started all of it? Panic from the hurricanes. You see in Atlanta we're special. We are panickers and hoarders. Don't believe me? Just go to the grocery store any time the word "ice" or "snow" is mentioned. You won't find a gallon of milk, a bottle of water, a loaf of bread, or a battery until you get to the state line. We go clean out the store like we are going to be shut in until spring thaw. So when the hurricanes were coming through, people panicked and filled up. I think you followed the dominoes falling from there.

No gas? What country am I in anyway?

Do you live in Atlanta or another area affected by a recent gas shortage? Share your story here!


Mama Mia said...

Oh Bridget that stinks, if i could send you some gas I would....

Joanna said...

It's really hard to phathom how this could happen. Amazing. I would be a nervous wreck if I had to worry about getting gas like that.

Jen said...

that is really crazy. I hope that you find your gas soon.

London said...

That is so crazy! I hope it eases up soon.

Christine said...

That's so scary. I heard some people mention a gas shortage in Tennessee and in Atlanta but nobody really explained why. I hope that this doesn't last too long for you.

Rebecca said...

WOW, That is crazy! How much are they charging for gas?

Deanna said...

After Katrina, we had that situation for weeks so I know what you are talking about. It is awful. I am still paranoid about keeping gas in my car.

I have a feeling it won't be long before the situation you are facing is going to filter out across the country.

Michelle said...

Wow. Think of the haul you could make renting a U-Haul and filling up out of state and reselling it! Not that you'd do that. Fingers crossed that it gets better soon. We have the same gas restraints in Chicago but ours ends Labor Day, I think. Maybe Sept 1. Fortunately, we were spared. But you aren't the only hoarders. I think it's human nature. Good luck!

Rayne said...

My sister (lives in Dunwoody) had 1/4 tank left earlier today and was trying to find a station that still has gas. After driving past 5 that were out, she found one that still had gas but they were taking only cash (no credit cards) and the limit was $25 worth.

Anonymous said...

Yowzah! It's 1973 all over again! Remember the OPEC oil embargo? Long lines, high prices, and NO gas! I wonder if they'll bring back odd-even days for getting gas based on license plate numbers? Anyways, hang tuff everybody! And puh-leeze be nice and wait your turn!!

Anonymous said...

You can get free updates on where to find gas in Atlanta by txting ATLGAS to 695949. Been doing this since Sunday, and it's actually helpful. Good luck...